100 Modern Chinese Poems – 中國現代詩 一百首

100 Modern Chinese Poems – 中國現代詩 一百首

Edited & translated by [龐秉鈞] Pang Bingjun and John Minford with Seán Golden

Hong Kong: Commercial Press – 商務印書館 Shāngwù Yìnshūguǎn


ISBN-13: 9789620710810

ISBN-10: 9620710819




中国现代诗选  Modern Chinese poems

庞秉钧 闽福德 高尔登 编译

Edited & translated by Pang Bingjun, John Minford, Seán Golden

中国对外翻译出版公司 Zhongguo duiwai fanyi gongsi (China Translation and Publishing Corporation)


本书收入上个世纪二十年代至八十年代之间教十位诗人的现代诗 _作其中包括早期新诗开拓者徐志摩、闻一多等著名诗人;也包括现代中 _国大陆的重要诗人白桦、顾城,香港、台湾的诗坛健将余光中、黄国彬、郑 _愁予等所选诗作均是其代表作,不拘派别兼容并收,全面反映了中国新 _诗七十年来的发展历程

This book selects modern Chinese poems by poets during 1920s and 1980s, including the literary pioneers like Xu Zhimo and Wen Yiduo, and also those very important ones in China’s mainland like Bai Hua, Gu Cheng, and those in Hong Kong and Taiwan such as Yu Guangzhong, Huang Guobin, Zheng Chouyu, etc. These poets are all highlighted by their representative poems which, inclusive of almost all poetic schools, reflect thoroughly the progress of Chinese modern poetry over seventy years.

ISBN: 978-7-5001-1840-4